The Best Nature Reserves in the World
Nature reserves are the areas set aside to protect certain plants, animals, or both. This article discusses some of the world’s best nature reserves you should visit.
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, USA
This is one of Kenya’s best reserves, the sanctuary of African black rhinoceros. For years, because of conservation and protection policies, the black rhino population has already increased by about 6 percent. This reserve is also the home to the biggest population of Grévy’s zebras, which is 380 individuals out of the 3,000 globally.
Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy
This is one of the most important protected areas in the world. It is also the oldest park in Italy, established in 1922. The iconic animal in the reserve is the ibex, while mountains, marmots, chamois, and eagles are also admired.
Zhangjiajie National Park, China
This is one of the most famous parks in China, and the reserve is renowned for its stunning landscapes worldwide. As one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the reserve has attracted many painters, poets, and movie directors, such as James Cameron. Pandora’s peaks were considered to be inspired by these splendid mountains.
Fjallabak Nature Reserve, Iceland
This reserve is a wild, noble, and ancient landscape. The area is named after the various peaks with the modeled and colored landscapes in the region. The reserve is home to hundred valuable species of vegetables.
Gorgona Island, Colombia
This reserve is about 20 kilometres off the coast of Colombia in the Pacific Ocean. The island was declared in 1985 as a protected reserve. It used to be inhabited by Colombian civilisations but remains uninhabited today. The island is tropical, like the first ones visited by Spanish Conquistadors. People can come to see it by booking via the Colombian tourist office.